Your support makes our work in Montana communities possible. To become a member, simply make an annual contribution you can afford. We request at least $40/year for an individual or family membership; $20/year for students.

Consider updating your membership as a recurring or sustaining contribution with automatic withdrawal and renewal. This option provides reliable support to AERO throughout the year, and can be set to contribute monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Join online or by mail. Checks can be made out to AERO and mailed to PO Box 1558 Helena, MT 59624. 

Member Benefits

  • Discounted registration to our annual Expo and other member events
  • Our monthly E-News, membership announcements, and the Sun Times, our newsletter, delivered to your mailbox
  • One vote at member meetings, including AERO’s Annual Meeting

Thank you for joining us in building a bright Montana future!

We love to elevate local businesses in our community! Our affordable Business Partner tiers offer great marketing value, and you can know you are making a direct impact toward building a more sustainable Montana in your home community.

Business Partner Tiers

Bronze Barley $125—Membership benefits + Linked website/E-News logo recognition

Silver Chickpea $250—Membership benefits + Linked website/E-News logo recognition + Recognition at AERO-sponsored events

Golden Lentil $500—Membership benefits + Linked website/E-News logo recognition + Recognition at AERO-sponsored events + Market table at Expo

Platinum Pea Pod $1,000—Membership benefits + Linked website/E-News logo recognition + Recognition at AERO-sponsored events + Market table at Expo + Feature blog article in AERO E-News

Joining with a sustaining (recurring) contribution is a win-win-win! It becomes a line item on your budget and you eliminate a renewal call from us, and we get support in planning out our year knowing that money is coming in, so we can focus more on programming and less on fundraising.

Alternative Energy Resources Organization

Mailing address: PO Box 1558, Helena MT 59624-1558

Physical address: 32 S Ewing St #314, Helena MT 59601