Attention Farmers Market managers: register your market on the Abundant Montana map. This one-stop registration provides critical information to the Montana Departments of Agriculture and Commerce and lists your market on Montana’s sustainable and local food map. Complete this form to register your market for the 2020 season. All markets must complete a new registration. When AERO’s new website, including a refreshed Abundant MT Map, is live this spring, we will provide you the opportunity to create a login and password to manage your own Abundant MT listing.
Grow Montana Coalition
Grow Montana, Montana’s food policy coalition, convened in January and the Steering Committee met in February to make decisions about the structure and funding sources for Grow Montana. Our updated structure, responsibilities, and funding commitments are described and pictured below.
GMT Structure & Responsibilities:
Tier 1: Steering Committee whose members make governance decisions. Commit funding at $1000 level.
Tier 2: Critical Advisory Member who advise the coalition and assist in fundraising.
Tier 3: Group or individual allies who participate in strategic research, outreach, testifying or other needs related to policies or projects.
Sponsors: Organizations or individuals who support the coalition at $1000 level, with optional appointment of a representative to the Steering Committee and recognition of logo on GMT website.
Contributors: Organization or individual supporters of less than $1000.

The next Grow Montana Coalition meeting will be at the AERO offices in Helena in March.
Join AERO in the 21-Day Racial Equity in the Food System Habit Building Challenge March 30-April 19, 2020
New England Food Solution’s (NEFS) 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge (aka the Racial Equity Challenge) is simple: During every morning of the Challenge, you’ll receive an email “prompt” with a short reading, video or audio file. You are encouraged to take about ten to fifteen minutes each day with the material in the prompt. You have the option to log into NEFS’s online forums (links will be provided) if you’d like to discuss the prompts in a moderated environment. As part of our 2020 goal to develop board and staff cultural competence to prepare for growing partnership and membership, AERO is registered as a group. We plan to host weekly conversations following NEFS’s newly-developed facilitation guide. Share your experience on social media using the hashtag #FSNEEquityChallenge. Registration is now open for the 2020 Racial Equity Challenge! March 30 through April 19, 2020.
AERO’s 2020 Wild Dinners

Wild Dinners bring together Montanans of differing backgrounds and ideologies. The event recognizes that hunters, farmers, ranchers, growers, and others who have a close connection to the land share the common aim of protecting and preserving the resources, beauty, and stability of our natural and cultivated landscape, be it healthy wildlife or healthy soils or healthy living. These folks often share values of self-sufficiency, resilience, stewardship, and a desire for local, healthy food consumption.
Wild Dinner Helena

HERE for the Free Thursday, March 26 Helena Wild Dinner
Join us for an evening of good food and good conversation where your Montana grown or harvested potluck item is your ticket into Wild Dinner: Helena, sponsored by the Odd Fellow Inn.
Odd Fellow Inn, 2245 Head Ln, Helena, MT
Thursday, March 26th
5pm doors. 5:30-8pm Program
AERO, Montana Wildlife Federation, and Helena Hunters and Anglers’ Association are working together to host the 2020 Wild Dinner in Helena with sponsorship from the Odd Fellow Inn.
Wild Dinner Missoula
HERE for the Free Thursday, April 23 Missoula Wild

Dinner. Join us for an evening of good food and good conversation where your Montana grown or harvested potluck item is your ticket in to Wild Dinner: Missoula.
Goodworks Place, 129 W Alder St, Missoula, MT 59802
Thursday, April 23rd
Thank you to the Missoula partners that make this event possible: Community Food and Agriculture Coalition, Artemis Sportswomen, Montana Wildlife Federation, and AERO.