This survey is for everyone, no matter your situation. Montanans everywhere have been impacted in small and big ways by the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. We are interested in learning about your experience with food during COVID-19.
Please COMPLETE the survey at the following link:
Please SHARE this survey with others in your family, community, and on listservs that reach Montanans. We need as many Montanans to complete this survey as possible!
By completing the online survey, you are eligible to win a $200 online gift card. The winner will be selected randomly after the conclusion of all surveys and will be notified by e-mail.
You or the information you provide will never be identified individually. We will combine all of the responses together and they will be anonymous. We will share what we learn with you, communities, health professionals, organizations, officials, and other groups that can make a difference.
If you have questions or concerns about this study, you can email Dr. Carmen Byker Shanks at