The MT Food Providers Project collaborative partnership, spearheaded by AERO and MOA at the start of the pandemic, completed another project last month with the Hot Springs Food Pantry. With support from donors and producers, MFPP procured and delivered almost a literal ton of produce to the Pantry, along with 72 pounds of lentils and 120 pounds of grass-fed beef. Help came from all sides to make this project happen, including this intrepid crew who delivered food to 100 local families, as well as to their community Senior Center and the Meals on Wheels kitchen. Special thanks to Western Montana Growers Coop for sourcing the produce and lentils, to Charlie’s Produce for including the WMGC order on their weekly truck route to Hot Springs, and to Camas Organic Market for receiving the produce and transporting it down the street to the Pantry.
Super special shout out to the amazing farmers and ranchers who produce this nourishing food and make our work purposeful. THANK YOU ALL!