AERO in partnership with the Raw Milk Institute will be hosting raw milk producer training to help build a network of informed Montana farmers committed to the production of low-risk raw milk. Under the Montana Local Food Choice Act (SB199), raw milk production is now legal in Montana. It is our goal to assure that raw milk is safe and continues to be freely available for both farmers and consumers.
The Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to raw milk research and supporting the production of low-risk raw milk in the USA and internationally. RAWMI has helped farmers all over the world understand how to implement the best production methods using proven scientific principles as well as lessons learned through the experience of other producers.
Two peer-reviewed scientific papers have found that RAWMI’s training and production methods lead to a significant decrease in raw milk-related illnesses, resulting in low-risk raw milk that is fundamentally different from pre-pasteurized milk. RAWMI’s training course will focus on grass-to-glass risk management as well as how to build a successful raw milk market.
Training will be held September 14, 2022 in Big Timber and September 16, 2022 in Avon, MT. Each training event will include a morning session focused on understanding best practices in producing clean, safe, delicious milk. The afternoon will include a site visit to a raw milk dairy with plenty of opportunity to ask questions. Register through the buttons below.
Learn more about other trainings and tools for value-added and cottage food producers HERE.
This project is funded by the Western Extension Risk Management Education Center (Western Center) and will be presented in partnership with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Service Food and Consumer Safety Section, Mission Mountain Food Enterprise Center/Mission West Community Development Partners, Montana State University Extension Family & Consumer Sciences, and the Raw Milk Institute. This material is also based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021-70027-34713.