We welcome and promote Montanans’ solutions to build a livable future.
Through community-engagement, network weaving, skill-building education and advocacy in the sustainable ag/renewable energy/resilient food system sphere, and by creating spaces in which future food system leaders and inspired community models flourish, AERO promotes communities building a more livable and sustainable Montana for all.
Montana powered with clean, renewable energy, empowered by a collaborative network of resilient communities, and where all Montanans are nourished by locally produced, sustainably grown healthy food.
We believe taking action on solutions that build sustainable community food systems is the best future for humans and creates the Montana we all want to live in.
MT food Economy Initiative
Cottage Foods
Racial Equity in the Food System
MT Food Providers Project
Jane Kile Scholarship
Abundant MT Directory
Grow MT
Food Systems Story Project
Oral History Project
Robin Kelson – Interim Executive Director
Lindsay Ganong – Grants-Based Program Manager
Lauren Lipscomb – Outreach Coordinator
Kelsey Fiedler – Cottage Foods Programming
Michal DeChellis – MFEI Programming
Kendra Proue, Chair – Helena
Madison Boone, Secretary – Bozeman
Mark Juedeman, Treasurer – Helena
Erin Carroll – Bozeman
Andrew Crowe – Bozeman
We LOVE elevating MT sustainability businesses. Joining as an AERO Business Partner is a great investment for you and your business. Our tier options below make it simple to choose what works best for you. Also: you can contribute annually or split your contribution into monthly or quarterly contributions.
ALL AERO Business Partners receive member benefits AND, your choice of:
AERO Business Partner Tiers:
Bronze Barley $125: Membership benefits + Linked monthly eNews/website logo recognition
Silver Chickpea $250 – All the above + Recognition at AERO-sponsored events
Golden Lentil $500 – All the above + Market table at Expo
Platinum Pea Pod $1,000 – All the above + Feature article in the Sun Times
The win-win-win of Sustaining Partners
When you participate with a sustaining (recurring) contribution, with automatic withdrawal and renewal, it becomes a line item on your budget, you eliminate a renewal call from us, and we get support in planning out our year, which is SO helpful for our annual budgeting and cash flow. Thank you!
Join securely online here: https://aeromt.org/join/.