Happy Autumn, everyone!
We are delighted to share the AERO community stories you’ll find inside. We hope you feel connected and inspired reading them.
We appreciate this edition is getting to you later than in past years. A two-month push back has pretty much been our norm since March. Thanks for understanding. On to updates!
We’re going to make it happen. It will be virtual, free to attend, and scheduled for the end of November-beginning of December (See? Two months.)
We’re partnering with MOA on the conference, organizing our sessions so you’ll be able to participate in both conferences if you want, with sessions scheduled to avoid overlap and overwhelm.
It won’t be elaborate as in years past, and it will be designed to maximize opportunities for dialogue and connection. We’re using the Zoom platform, making ample use of breakout sessions.
Check your email for the schedule and a short survey. We want your thoughts on some Expo particulars. And please do plan to attend the Annual Meeting; it’s relevant to our future, as you’ll see from the Future of Food Systems Change article inside.
We welcome support to help coordinate the event. All assistance appreciated. Want to volunteer your time (help with the digital event coordination, logistics, outreach), email us here, or call the office at 406-443-7272. Want to help fund the event? Thank you! Contribute here. Please include “Expo” in the comments. Add your business name and we’ll acknowledge the donation as a business sponsorship at our event.
Lastly, we are completely stumped on how to execute a virtual Cake Auction. Got ideas?
It’s on! $600 and a one-year membership to the recipient. The scholarship is AERO’s small way of paying forward the great work of AERO founders and elders to the next generation. Details and a simple application can be found here. If you don’t have a project, encourage a young friend or neighbor with an idea to apply. Applications close November 30. We’ll announce the recipient during Expo.
This has been a long time coming and we are thrilled to have the resources to implement the changes you’ve been requesting for years. Whether you are listed or not, PLEASE take the time to fill out the short survey. Your input will greatly assist creating the directory we all envision.
The Board of Directors is seeking new members. A slate of candidates will be presented for election at the Annual Meeting, scheduled for Sunday, December 6. Participating on the Board is a great way to be of service to the organization. You can fill out an application here.Thank you!
As we move through the season of harvest and completions, I am grateful for our community and all the ways we care and are kind. It does make a difference in the world.
Enjoy the read, and blessings on all our harvests!
– Robin